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Donations are key for any charity to continue doing the good work they set out to do. We are so grateful for any support, financial or otherwise. Below bring to life the simple ways that money can directly create a positive impact on our young people. 

£5 for a DBS check for a youth group volunteer

£7.50 to hire a venue for a group meeting for an hour

£15 for a young person to Walk’n’Talk with a Youth Challenge Oxfordshire leader. Sometimes a friendly face and an understanding ear is what is needed - this initiative started during Covid-19 but has proved so successful it’s become part of our programme.

£25 Registration fee for the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award scheme so that one young person can complete all four sections with the support of the Youth Challenge Oxfordshire programme, the Group Leaders and the DofE advisor.

£50 for a young person to complete a Youth Challenge Oxfordshire camping weekend in preparation for an overseas volunteering trip and to complete the expedition part of the DofE Bronze award.

£75 for a group session about staying safe on-line, or drug and alcohol abuse delivered by experts.

£90 for a young person to apply for their first passport for their overseas volunteering trip.

£350 for one young person to complete the much valued Young Leaders course offered by Oxfordshire Youth. This qualification is equivalent to a L2 GNVQ or one GCSE.


£750 for a local camping weekend for a group of 15 including key team building and challenging activities.


£2000 is the total cost for one young person to complete the life changing Youth Challenge Oxfordshire programme of 18 months - 45 weekly sessions, numerous fund raising events and two residential trips.

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