Whilst we are currently experiencing difficult times around the world, we thought we would update you on some positive news from our recent groups trip to Western Kenya. On 13th February 2020, our Abingdon and Blackbird Leys groups joined forces to volunteer in Western Kenya with the Nasio Trust. We are incredibly proud of all their hard work and amazing achievements out in a tough, culturally different environment. The group followed a 12-15 month journey to get to this point by working tirelessly to raise £800 each for their volunteering trip, with workshops that made the, well prepared for the journey they were about to embark on .
Here are some of the things they got up to whilst out in Mumias: - Donated clothes, shoes, toys, toiletries, school supplies, school uniform, stationary and much more - Fed local school children at St Irene's Day Centre - Fed and greeted sick children, newborns and their mothers at a local hospital - Built 2 houses for a local, vulnerable families - Cleaned slums in nearby Musanda - Treated Jiggers (tiny parasitic insects that burrow into the hands and feet)
We want to say a huge well done to all of our young people and their fantastic leaders for such a life-changing trip. Your efforts, determination and enthusiasm to change and impact the lives of the Kenya community is inspiring and you have made your families, friends and your community proud.
Here is what some of young people have said upon their return:
'{...}more aware of how privileged I am. I’m more determined in school to do good and to spend my free time productively - art, homework etc.'
'The accommodation was lush, and everyone was amazing and the staff and activities. I would never ever regret or change it!'
