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Our 2020 Buttercup Run Heroes!

YoCO News

- Berinsfield YoCO group completed a 5km bike ride

- John in Chesham completed 5,000 jumps on a trampoline

- Hamish and Pippa in Barcelona swam 5km

- Luke, aged 5, competed on his space hopper

- Nicky and the Beard family dressed in fancy dress for their 5km run/walk (including Maizey Hudson, the dog)

- The Nasio Team and Nasio sponsored children in Kenya ran races

- The Querailts, Dicks, Wiggs and friends completed their 5km on the real Buttercup course

-Pip ran 104km in a week!

- YoCO Trustee Christine and Andrew completed a 29km bike ride - Bruce, Lucy, Will, Nick, Ed and Craig completed a very cold 5km swim in the Thames - Ted, 7, and Arthur, 5, cycled 5km - Faringdon YoCO group ran/walked their 5km - Ferdy in Devon ran 5km - Andy Boyd proved even retirees can run 5km - The Mosses completed a 40km bike ride - The Westmacott family completed a triathlon

Thank you for your participation, support and sponsorship!

Start planning your activities for the weekend of 22nd/23rd May 2021.

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Youth Challenge Oxfordshire is a registered charity 1171054

Midland House, West Way, Oxford, OX2 0PH

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